(713) 622-1720

3700 Buffalo Speedway
Suite 700
Houston, TX 77098












Lasers work by producing a coherent beam of light at one particular wavelength. Each wavelength is uniquely absorbed by a specific target such as brown pigment, blood vessels, or water in skin cells. The laser beam can be varied in its intensity and pulse duration as needed for a particular condition.

Our practice is a comprehensive state-of-the-art center for laser surgery. It is important to select a surgeon with strong laser expertise since results are often technique-sensitive. Dr. Bogle has the highest level of training that a laser specialist can achieve, including a comprehensive post-residency fellowship dedicated to laser surgery. She has been a leader in the scientific advancement of lasers and cosmetic medicine, working with numerous laser companies to develop new equipment and optimize existing technology for a wide variety of conditions. During your initial consultation, Dr. Bogle will carefully evaluate your individual condition and suggest the appropriate type of laser to achieve the desired results.


Tattoo Removal


Almost any type of tattoo, including permanent makeup, can be safely and effectively removed with laser treatments. Lasers work because different wavelengths of light are able to target different colors of tattoo ink. When the tattoo particles absorb the laser energy, they are broken up into tiny fragments which are carried away by the body's natural cleansing process. Black ink is the easiest to remove, while red and orange are more difficult. Yellow ink cannot be removed with lasers at this time.

The number of treatments for maximum improvement varies according to the location, age, depth and color of your tattoo. A general ballpark is 10 to 12 sessions or more for a heavily pigmented professional tattoo. Amateur tattoos can take considerably fewer sessions. New tattoos that are less than five years old tend to be more resistant to treatment than older tattoos and may not be able to be significantly lightened. Medical tattoos such as those from radiation therapy are normally removed in just a few treatment sessions.

As a leader in the field, our center has developed an advanced protocol combining multiple laser wavelengths with fractional resurfacing and adjuvant topical therapies to lighten tattoos in the most efficient way possible while limiting the risk of scar formation and other unwanted side effects.

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Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal provides the ultimate solution for unwanted hair. It works because lasers are able to target melanin in the hair follicle, disabling it from further growth and putting an end to routine shaving, irritation and waxing. The skin is left looking and feeling smoother, softer and silkier.

Our specialty center has advanced lasers to safely remove hair in both light and dark skinned individuals. The most popular areas for women are the underarms, bikini, legs, arms, and face, although any area can be treated from the tops of the toes to sensitive areas such as the breast or Brazilian bikini. The most popular areas for men are the back, chest, buttocks and grooming of the pubic region. Other areas that can be treated are the front of the neck for those with persistent razor burn or for athletes prone to ingrown hairs from helmets, the back of the neck for a clean, well-groomed look between trips to the barber, the ears, and the area between the eyebrows.

The number of treatments depends on the thickness of individual hairs, how dark the hair is, and the hair's growth cycle. Your hair will decrease in density after each session, however most patients like us to continue until the hair is gone.


Brown Spots, Hyperpigmentation, and Melasma


Brown spots on the skin can be caused by a variety of conditions including birthmarks, sun exposure, melasma and aging. Lasers and other therapeutic agents can be used to treat all of these conditions by targeting cells that contain pigment.

Small brown spots such as age spots on the face or backs of the hands, diffuse brown spots such as freckles on the chest or arms, and flat birthmarks on the face or body all respond well to laser treatment. Removal is permanent, but new spots may develop as you continue to age. Periodic touch-ups can be done.

Melasma can be a difficult condition to treat as there is no permanent cure and no two patients respond to therapy in exactly the same way. Our center is a specialty referral clinic for resistant and hard-to-treat cases of melasma. We often have patients who travel long distances for treatment ranging from aggressive skin bleaching protocols to lasers and chemical peels. Once clear, long term maintenance therapy is almost always required so that hyperpigmentation does not return.

Other types of pigmentation such as dark circles under the eyes and darkening of the skin due to inflammation can normally be improved with a combination of agents depending on the individual case.

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Facial Redness, Veins, and Vascular Birthmarks


Telangiectasias are abnormal dilated small blood vessels. They may be caused by rosacea, sun exposure, medications, hormones and the aging process. Severe cases can be embarrassing and symptomatic. Lasers can destroy the targeted blood vessel without harming the surrounding tissue. Treatments last 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the area, and feel like the snap of a rubber band on the skin.

Multiple treatments may be needed to achieve optimal results. Tiny pink or red vessels usually disappear with 1 or 2 treatments. Larger veins or extensive facial redness may require 3 to 4 treatments. Special vascular lesions such as hemangiomas, birthmarks, or port wine stains can require as little as 2 to 3 treatments or more than 10, depending on the lesion.


Facial Rejuvenation


As we age, the effects of time and the environment take their toll on our skin causing fine lines, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and surface irregularities. Non-ablative and fractional lasers are designed to gently combat the effects of aging and loss of collagen. Both laser technologies deliver laser energy into the deep layers of the skin without affecting the skin's surface. Collagen production is gradually increased, improving wrinkles and tightening sagging skin by plumping it up from below. Because it takes time for collagen to grow, a series of at least 4 to 6 treatments is recommended, depending on your individual skin type and degree of photoaging. Best results are achieved with full face treatments, but we are able to spot treat individualized areas such as the crow's feet or vertical lip lines if you wish. Maintenance programs are available to retard the effects of further aging after your initial series.

Global facial rejuvenation also addresses specific concerns such as brown spots, broken capillaries, wrinkles from dynamic facial muscles, and overall volume loss. Brown spots can be treated with either chemical peels or lasers that target pigment. Broken capillaries are treated with lasers targeting blood vessels. Folds and wrinkles caused by repeated contractions of certain muscles and loss of facial fat can be smoothed with injectables such as Botox/Dysport and a wide variety of dermal fillers depending on your particular case.

During your consultation we will work with your individual concerns, lifestyle factors, and skincare budget to develop a comprehensive plan to help you look and feel your best.

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Acne Treatments


Lasers are a wonderful option for acne patients who do not want to take long-term antibiotics or who still break out despite aggressive antibiotic therapy. Lasers work by targeting and shrinking the oil gland. They also stimulate the growth of collagen so acne scars can be improved at the same time the acne is being treated.

Treatments take about 20 minutes and are performed every 2 to 4 weeks for a total of 4 to 6 sessions. Studies show patients achieve an average 80% reduction in their acne after four sessions. To maintain results, touch-up appointments are scheduled every 4 to 6 months. Because acne lasers shrink oil glands, they are useful for patients with enlarged oil glands, or sebaceous hyperplasia. Patients with oily skin may note a decrease in oil production after several treatments.


Scar Treatment


Our center has multiple lasers and medical & surgical therapies to greatly improve or erase scars altogether. The best approach is usually a combination of treatment modalities, depending on the type of scar present. We will let you know an appropriate plan for your type of scarring during your consultation.

The optimal time to treat surgical or traumatic scars is approximately 6 to 12 weeks after the injury when the wound has had time to heal and the scar is fresh and pink. Once the scar is white, it is more difficult to treat, but can still improve with special lasers. If you know in advance you are going to have a surgery such as a tummy tuck, breast reduction, face lift or other facial surgery, it is a good idea to plan in advance to receive treatment at our center.

Dr. Bogle is a specialist in acne scarring and can achieve dramatic improvement with advanced techniques. Acne scars can be difficult for a non-specialist to treat because different types of scars respond well to different types of treatment, whether they are rolling, box-car, or ice pick type scars or whether they are superficial or deep. Most patients have a combination of scar types present and the greatest improvement is therefore achieved with a combination of treatments. Our patients have been extremely pleased with the improvement in their appearance and self-confidence.

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Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing can reduce the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, uneven pigmentation and scarring. Today there are many different options available for laser resurfacing. We will help you to decide which option is best for you, depending on your lifestyle and the results you would like to achieve.

Nonablative resurfacing is designed to increase collagen production, improving wrinkles and depressed scars by plumping them out from below. Recovery time is minimal and treatments fit easily into an active lifestyle.

Fractional resurfacing decreases uneven pigmentation and increases collagen production to improve skin texture, decrease wrinkles and lessen scarring. The laser works by creating multiple, microscopic columns in the skin.  Treatments can be either ablative or microablative, and both the number of treatments and degree of recovery time will depend on the particular type of laser that is used.

CO2 resurfacing offers the most dramatic results, but downtime is significant. This procedure is reserved for patients with extensive wrinkling and photodamage or for patients with severe acne scarring.


Fraxel Laser Treatment

The Fraxel® laser is a revolutionary device used for fractional resurfacing.  Before its development, the only options were ablative resurfacing with outstanding results but prolonged downtime, or non-ablative resurfacing with good results but little to no downtime.  Fractional resurfacing was developed to approach the benefits of ablative resurfacing without the extended recovery.  It works by creating microscopic treatment columns in the skin.   Because they are so tiny, they cannot be seen with the naked eye and recovery is kept to a minimum.   Benefits include improvement in skin texture and tone, decrease in unwanted brown pigmentation, improvement in wrinkling around the eyes, and improvement in acne scars as well as surgical and other scars. Our office is a leader in multiple types of Fraxel laser treatment, including both the Fraxel Re:Store and Fraxel Re:Pair lasers.  During your consultation, Dr. Bogle will discuss your goals and skin type to help determine the best laser for your particular needs.

Stretch Mark Treatment

Stretch marks (striae) affect both men and women and are most common after pregnancy, growth spurts, and gaining or losing a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. New combination therapies have made it possible to achieve dramatic improvement of both new and old stretch marks, and in some cases, diminish them so much that they can no longer be seen.

Because no two patients are alike, there is a lot of variability from one treatment plan to the next. Fractional laser therapy is the mainstay of treatment for stretch marks that are white or where texture is an issue. These lasers work by stimulating new collagen growth at a molecular level. A small column of thermal injury is produced in the skin that then stimulates your body to develop new collagen as part of the healing response. Results are incremental over a series of treatments and maximal improvement is generally seen about a year after the final session. Our center offers several types of fractional lasers depending on your individual skin type and the type and severity of your stretch marks. In certain cases, Collagen Induction Therapy, or microneedling, may be added to the laser treatments for optimal remodeling potential. When the stretch marks are red, the pulsed dye laser can be added to reduce redness and further enhance collagen growth.

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